You're cuddling up with kitty whenever you notice a dark spot on her nose. It had not been there before, so immediately you wonder, “Do I need to take her towards the vet?” Learn if a dark just right a cat's nose is common and just what signs to watch for whether it's something that requires a vet's attention.

Spot the Signs: Is a Dark Spot on a Cat's Nose Normal?

“Some cat caregivers be worried about black spots around the noses of their cats,” says Adam P. Patterson, DVM, DACVD, a clinical assistant professor in the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences Attending college Station, Texas. “The concern is if these black spots are cancerous, but actually, the spots really are a normal finding in young orange cats.

“Usually orange tabbies tend to be more prone to these black spots, that is a condition known as lentigo simplex,” he adds. “These spots are somewhat comparable to freckles in humans and aren't itchy or painful.”

Lou Anne Wolfe, DVM, when needed Rogers Animal Hospital in Oklahoma, agrees.

“The black pigment, a quantity of 'freckles,' is especially common in orange cats,” Dr. Wolfe says. “I view it within their mouths and inside the ear pinnae too. Normally, this is normal.”
While these black spots or feline “freckles” could be a cute addition to a cat's nose and face, if other, more unusual, marks or issues be visible on their noses, it might warrant an appointment.

When to determine a Veterinarian

“There ought to be concern if you discover raised or inflamed spots that cause soreness and pain,” Dr. Patterson says. “Always have these types of spots examined from your veterinarian.

“Cats and dogs are susceptible to sunburn and subsequent cancer of the skin on noses, ears and around the eyes,” he continues. “Fair-skinned animals with light-colored hair coats are at the most risk.”

Limiting sun exposure for your cat can help prevent solar damage. For further sun protection, Dr. Wolfe advises using sunscreen.

“You can apply sunscreen towards the nose, or go to the feed store and procure tattoo ink, which is often used for livestock,” she says. “This does apply to the nose and permitted to dry and could be more effective since animals have a tendency to lick the sunscreen off.”

Consulting you veterinarian is definitely advisable, particularly if your cat has fair pigment. Since your vet knows your cat personally, she will customize an agenda to assist protect your kitty's delicate nose.

“Remember that dry or wet noses are not an indication of illness per se,” Dr. Patterson says. “Whether your pet's nose is dry or wet is largely related to the temperature and humidity within their environment. Lethargy, little or no appetite, weight loss, vomiting, diarrhea and inappropriate urination are a few signs that better reflect illness.”

Familiarity with your cat can mean the difference between wellness and illness. Their noses are simply one piece of the feline health puzzle!