Twice a week, I go two 100+ pound dogs together.

I am 135 pounds, and one on the dogs weighs identical to me.

The dogs are certainly not perfectly behaved, but they also heel at my allowed to remain side on instruction collars. They sit down when told in general and react to not much (skateboarders are the toughest!).

Almost weekly, I get a good comment from a person along the lines of:

“Who’s walking who seem to?”

These two dogs will almost always be, ALWAYS at my kept side because after getting out in front I haven’t got control. For basic safety, I keep them with a tight heel, and they walk beautifully.

I’m very happy with these two dogs along with myself. I can literally hold their leads in two fingers, for example I’m guiding these with a piece of string. Basically were to drop any leashes, they would simply just stand there.

But nevertheless, the comments.

“Who’s walking who?”

Please stop asking ‘who’s walking who?’

Blogger Jen Gabbard on the blog Puppy Water leaks wrote an interesting write-up on this topic.

Apparently the lady hears this review just as often as I do, and I had to have a good laugh when she written:

“So please next time you should yell out the motor vehicle window ‘who’s walking exactly who?’ just remember that your particular little comment is significantly from cute as well as original; it’s been heard thousands of times before.”

Oh son, it sure has.

From Puppy Leaks:

Nearly every time I’m out taking walks Laika someone has to ask “who’s walking who?Inches What makes it worse is that it’s usually someone badly behaved out their vehicle window which is continually a bit startling unsurprisingly. And guess what? It is really getting old. We’ve heard it before, and most likely you are the 7th person I have heard it coming from today.

Every time a person asks me “who’s running who?” I have to scream. It’s just like telling the cashier for the gas station “you’ve got the excellent job, you get to acquire all the money,” it is from true C together with trust me, she’s observed that little remark thousands of times before.

Read the total post here.

I might so relate!

People end their cars to me, too, to rotate down their eye-port and ask me this same damn question.

“Who’s wandering who?”

I get that they are it’s a cute aspect to say and that they might be impressed to see my family?walking two 100-pound most dogs (there were three, just one has passed away).

But what they are also implying is I’m not controlling the pet dogs, even though I am. Or perhaps that the dogs might take off down the road hauling me at any time, even though they won’t.

I are very much in control of both of these dogs, even if they get a little rattled and shook by a skateboarder. I can also turn into them plus back them away by using my body. Their collars for dogs are kept at the top of their necks for this reason. We practice “sit” with regard to treats. They make fixing their gaze. They pay attention.

No, Practical goal perfect. Neither is actually any dog.

“Who’s jogging who?”

Such a silly thing to say.

Don’t say it.

Has anybody ever said this kind of to you or something similar?

Let me personally know!

Related posts:

How simply to walk multiple dogs on once

Loose-leash walking vs. heel